قصة يهوديين يبحثان عن جذورهما العربية
15/04/2018 قصة يهوديين يبحثان عن جذورهما العربية, par Sophian Aubin, France 24 Arabic Version arabe de l’article “How two French Jews have reconnected to their Arab roots”
This section relates to the articles I have written over the years and which were published in various newsmedia.
15/04/2018 قصة يهوديين يبحثان عن جذورهما العربية, par Sophian Aubin, France 24 Arabic Version arabe de l’article “How two French Jews have reconnected to their Arab roots”
15/04/2018 “How two French Jews reconnected with their Arab roots”, par Sophian Aubin, France 24 English
18/02/2018 “Ironiquement, je me suis reconnecté à l’arabe en préparant ma bar mitzvah”, par Sophian Aubin, Slate
25/09/2017 “Salam, shalom : apprendre l’arabe et l’hébreu, des langues si proches”, par Orane Scherschel, Saphirnews